Monday, May 08, 2006

April 28 - April 30: Eric's head, etc.

We're back on line after another week of work. My mom came in at the beginning of the week to watch the kids so that Julie, Eric and I could all be out at the site working together. In preparation for framing up the roof rafters, we tried to install an extra rim joist on the exterior wall off our area that's open to the upstairs. A nice big joist, 3"x10"x12', wet hemlock. Long story short, we were holding it in place when Eric lost his balance on the step ladder and fell. Ladder shoots out the window, board smacks face, head smacks floor. After an ambulance ride and a couple hours in the ER, we got him back with only a mild concussion (contusion?), 8 stitches, and a severely beat up looking face. It's a hard way to get a couple days off. He's doing great though, and was back at work on Monday!

My dad and Joe both came into town on Sunday, and we got the sun porch framed up. Here's Joe with the nail gun while the Moore men watch eagerly.