Thursday, November 13, 2008

Happy Half Birthday Sarah!

Julie and I would like to apologize for the extreme layoff from the blogging world. We decided to celebrate our 400th post by taking the last two weeks off. Julie said that she's going to make it up to you by blogging every day until December 1st.

We picked up our third week of food from our CSA yesterday. I won't belabor the point by explaining to you how amazing our weekly haul is, you can feel free to be jealous by clicking on there blog link. In addition to veggies the last couple of weeks we also got local flour, oats, eggs, chicken, maple sweetened dried cranberries, fresh bread, fresh yogurt, and buffalo mozzarella. Yesterday we also got two stalks of brussel sprouts, which AJ was particularly excited about. Raise your hand if you knew that brussel sprouts grew like this (we didn't):