Thursday, October 30, 2008

localvore deliciousness

Earlier this fall we signed up for a winter CSA share from a local farm (see the new link to "Pete's Greens" in our blog list in the right hand column). This is our second week of a 20 +/- week subscription and tonight we ate pretty much only things from the CSA, including fresh chicken with a sauce made from local yogurt and an extremely yummy Indian Cabbage and Carrot Salad (from the "Lite and Luscious Cuisine of India" cookbook, by Madhu Gadia).

The recipe is as follow:
4 cups cabbage, thinly sliced
1 cup carrots, scrubbed and grated
1 tsp sunflower (or olive) oil
pinch of turmeric
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp black pepper
1/2 tsp mustard seeds - who knew the popped like popcorn when heated? Apparently at least Pete and Madhu!

Heat oil in a heavy skillet on high heat. Add mustard seeds, cover with a lid to avoid splattering and cook for a few seconds until the mustard seeds stop popping. Add the cabbage and carrots and then the turmeric, salt and pepper. Stir to mix. Stir-fry for 3-4 minutes, until heated through. Do not overcook. The cabbage should be just barely cooked. Transfer to a serving platter immediately.


sarah said...

i made this last night and i loved it- which is good, because i have, like, eight servings and matt doesn't like cabbage so i'm going to be eating a lot of it.

Our Family in said...

Your serving size must be different than ours. The kids won't eat s--- and we still didn't have enough...