Monday, July 10, 2006

Who does #2 work for?

This week we're throwing down serious money for one of our big ticket items: the septic system. Our building lot requires a mound system, which means that before any pipes/tanks/pumps get installed, our guy Scot (Scot's a great guy who also did our driveway, land clearing, foundation excavating, backfilling and landscaping) had to bring in many, many, many truck loads of sand and stone for our septic field. You'd think that since dirt is, well, every where, that sand would practically be free. Not so, go figure. The mound is now pretty much built, and he'll move on to excavating for the tank and pump. Then he's going to do some landscaping for us. Meaning bringing in more truck loads of dirt to put around our house.


Anonymous said...

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