Monday, June 18, 2007


Some of you have had the pleasure of a Chipotle Burrito. Some of you, sadly, have not. Chipotle is a basically a fast-food burrito restaurant specializing in the most delicious food that you've ever tasted, burritos that are larger than the size of your stomach itself. They are all over the DC area, and I frequented one by the University of Maryland on a regular basis. But the well dried up when we moved to VT, and the burritos have been few and far between. I made a two-hour round trip car ride while at Sarah's to get a burrito from the only Chipotle in all of New England. I actually got six, and ate two within 48 hours, and they were glorious.

Julie had a business trip to Maryland last week (a lake czar never rests) and brought me a couple more home in her carry on luggage. They were likewise fantastic. Then I found a website,, which offers more information on Chipotle burritos than you could ever want, and found out that each of my burritos has a day's worth of "nutrition" all in itself. While this much fat and calories would scare some people away, it seems like consuming one burrito a day, and nothing else, would be the perfect diet. It would fill all your energy requirements, all the food groups, and would definitely make you feel full until the following day.


jh said...

mmmmmmmmmmmmm, i'm salivating just looking at that beauty!!