I love my matatu
If you've ever been to East Africa, the matatu needs no explanation. If you haven't, it's not an easy concept to explain. Imagine paying a quarter to sqeeze with twenty people, 10 chickens, and a metric ton of collected "stuff" into a thirty year old VW minivan, going about 70 miles an hour on a dirt road without air conditioning in 90 degree heat, driven by a guy who may or may not have a license and may or may not have been drinking. That's about as close as I can get.
I've been sitting on this bumper sticker for a while. I never really liked to clutter up the car with stickers given the pain of trying to get them off when it's time to sell the car. But since the minivan has close to 120k miles, we don't anticipate winnning the lottery any time soon, and Julie's car needs to be replaced before the van (she can't get up our road in the winter), I think I'm destined to drive the van until it's retired for good. And given the relative condition of the car; non-functional air conditioning, bad electrical circuits (causing the car to lock and unlock frequently and randomly), the fact that it's purple, the dirty nature of the vehicle, and the fact that I have been in fact transporting numerous chickens, dogs, kids and baggage around with it.... I though it was time to put it on. Link, link.
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