Saturday, June 03, 2006

May 27 - 31: Trimming out the roof

Besides the plywood sheathing, the other big project this week was putting the trim around the roof line. This involves installing the fascia boards (front and back of the house) and rake boards (gable ends). We decided to get rough sawn cedar boards for this, so that when stained they will match our cedar siding (someday down the line).

The only feasible way to do this in a timely fashion was to rent a towable lift with a 43' working height. It was a pretty neat machine. I don't know how fun it was hanging out in the basket, but Joe spent the better part of 4-5 work days up in the machine. He and Tom spent a lot of time making sure that everything was cut precisely and joined together perfectly. It was a lot of hard work and (presumably) a little bit tedious, but the trim looks absolutely fabulous. The picture is of the rake boards on one of the gable ends. There is a 10" wide board, with a 4" wide "shadow" board for extra good looks.