Saturday, June 03, 2006

Helping Hands

We were very lucky to have some big crews out at the site over the last couple weeks. So far it's often just been Joe and Eric, with myself out there a few days a week. This time, Uncle Tom was here for a week. Judy was up to watch the kids Memorial Day weekend, so Julie and I got to work together. Sarah was around for a weekend, and Christian was down for a day.

Here's a few pictures of the crews. Like I mentioned in my earlier posts, the harnesses are very attractive. So are the farmer's tans that we are all accumulating. Joe can almost tell time on his watch tan. Unfortunately, Sarah was the photographer for the weekend, so she didn't make it into any pictures. On the second picture of Eric and I, you can see the lack of surface area we had to stand on while we were nailing plywood to the steep roof slope.