Monday, May 21, 2007

A grey weekend in Vermont, but still the kids found lots of time to play outside. They've both particularly taken to the "stream" that Julie and I engineered to carry snow/rain runoff around her garden and away from the house. It's not currently flowing, but for about three weeks during the winter/spring transition, and during any significantly rain storm, oodles of water will run down the big hill that our house sits on and funnels into the erosion-control stream. Evie finds it even more fun to play in when the water is flowing.

I had big plans for the weekend, including taking Evie to see Dan Zanes at Higher Ground in Burlington...but the kids have been passing around a nasty cold, and I was laid up all day on Sunday on the couch. Julie got the meadow mowed for the first time this year, and she and Evie spent lots of time gardening. Evie is very excited about her budding career as a gardener and a farmer. More about the farmer part later on...